Saturday, July 10, 2021

Horse Yoga - The Return

Yes, much time has passed, as I detoured into the world of teaching at an alternative charter high school for kids at-risk of graduating. I taught an animal science class where we brought horses on to our very urban school and practiced measuring along with just being with horses. We had lessons around being with horses, where field trip was going out to the barn to learn from Sport and Junior. We were in the midst of developing an exciting hands-on horse science program when I got run over by a car, and while I was down, along came Covid-19. School priorities shifted. So did I.

I re-connected with Judith and the horses of Dancing Horse Farm. Camilla didn’t even ask where I had been, she nuzzled me as she always had, and indicated it was time to do. 

We have picked up and simply begun again. 

Begin at the beginning.